self-care as an act of self-preservation.

Self-care seems to be all the rage nowadays, and is pretty much the buzzword of the health and wellness industry. It seems like everyone and their mama is touting self-care as the key to their salvation, like it’s the elusive fountain of youth. I myself, I’m guilty of throwing around self-care hashtags like it’s nobody’s business.

What is wellness really? Is it those $100 yoga pants or an overly priced shot of tumeric? Is it a day at the spa? I think back to my own self-care journey. My moments of self-care have included all of the above, as well as long walks in the park and taking moments out to read my favourite book. I think about what has brought me to the space of holding space for women of colour to practice yoga and hosting wellness events.

You see, self-care is not an act of indulgence but an act of self-preservation. I need to make the time to distress and breathe. When I do I’m a better mother, friend…I’m a better me. Self-care to me is about waking up before everyone in my house to make a cup of tea and slowly sipping it knowing that in a few moments the whirlwind of life and the kids will take over. This is a necessity because it helps me function better. I want to make moments for myself without the guilt. And I recognize that it’s OK to put you at the centre of your life. 

Every day, I work with women who feel guilty about spending one hour on a yoga mat with me. One hour out of a 24 hour day. One hour out of 168 hours in a week. To me that’s really sad, and why it is even more important to champion self-care as an act of self preservation. If you’re too busy being busy how are you going to be able to hear your body tell you it’s shutting down? If you’re too busy saying yes how will you know your boundaries have been crossed? Self-care is self-preservation because it teaches us to listen to our bodies and honour what it needs.

It is about giving yourself a peace of mind and being gentle with yourself. This is an important aspect of self-care that we shouldn’t ignore. What are we doing to prevent the stressors in our lives from showing up in our bodies? Those tight hips and back aches are telling you something. Trust me I know! 

Creating the space and making the time for yourself before everything feels like it’s too much and too heavy is a necessary act of self preservation.

There is no one size fits all when it comes to self-care, what works for me may not work for you and each day our needs shift, so every day how we practice self-care will be different as well. 

The idea that I’m getting at is, as long as we intend to practice and find ways to incorporate self-care into our lives the better we will be. Learning to make that commitment to yourself, showing up for yourself every day, making the time to reclaim your time- no matter how big or how small, serves as a gentle reminder of just how much YOU matter. And that my friends, is the greatest act of self-preservation you can ever give yourself.

So the next time you feel guilty for taking a moment for yourself, or the next time you debate on heading to yoga class or staying in bed for the day, remember you’re worth it and your self-preservation depends on it.


learning how to make a new home with my body.